Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Block An Incoming Cal Onsamsung Reclaim

Casa Typo

I am right now, the studio, busy on a project especially exciting that, of course, faithful reader, and you too faithful reader, I'll keep you posted as soon as time and time will come (ie the Many suppliers who are granted long leave for Eid el Kebir have returned to work) .
An exciting project because it is an opportunity to combine our passion for the city of Casablanca , and my passion for typography. an activity to which I devote myself for a while and it is very nice to share with a customer!

... we liked him, Nini iron pot
Beausejour District ...
One good restaurants in Casablanca, bilingual at that!
ben my colon!

Furniture Primarios have seen better days, we note the striking analogy with the watchmaking school
Just opposite, a terribly modern sans serif of the same water
... whose spirit remains even in the exercises "calligraphic" period ...
and contemporary ...
On the last two photos, I can not help but wonder if I so much indulgence in forty years for the horrible S AHSEN missed, that I felt for PARTS DELCTROM ENAGAS, whose great age m inspires a sympathetic nostalgia.
As I already mentioned here , carelessness shown by the Casablanca to their heritage, the state of neglect is pure wonders of the urban landscape, hurts a little belly the breasts. Especially in contrast with permanent housing boom that is taking place simultaneously, which produces architectural mediocrity and social bomb ticking with a vengeance.

Even "high end" moreover, maintain that some regarded as working in the galleys ...

Other articles on Casa . Casa
typo, episode 1

As usual, click makes it grow. Images.


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