Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Welcome A New Church Member


Right now, our home-here-to-Morocco runs a campaign, advertising, prevention of breast cancer which I gladly join. The campaign is rather widely and spontaneously taken up by many blogs (fashion) female Casablanca, for example Ginger, Honey & Chocolate .

this occasion, I emerged from my drawers two illustrations on the theme, produced in 1997 (oh damn! Have!) For Urban magazine. At the time, I had in fact lead this adventure Rimbus , first for him spinning a hand on titraille, then click the picture, and finally, I ended artistic director of the magazine. It was an opportunity for many graphic adventures and cultural collisions of all kinds.
's story began in this illustration editorial meeting by a simple question: "... and the article on breast cancer? What do I put as shown '? "
S' is followed by a discussion of anthology!
Writing: "uh, well we will put a picture of breast cancer, was transferred with full medical images !
the Artistic Direction: "Hey girls, you have already viewed these images ? It is atrocious! We can not put it in the mag! I propose to make an illustration, a drawing ... "
Writing: " oh no, it is not serious for a drawing! We will not put a comic on such a subject! "
the Artistic Direction: " But design is not necessarily something funny! I can make a serious picture! "
Writing: " nanananana is a serious matter, we'll make a photo "
Management Published: " I warn you that we do not sub to a casting! "
the Artistic Direction: " Well OK, who is posing? (Not Janfi, not you) "...

Writing: " and then, well ... uh ... what do you see as a design then uh? "
the Artistic Direction: " well, a girl showing her breasts I suppose, all very nice, well drawn, anatomically limited medical super ... chaste. You see the stuff of Leonardo da Vinci? * "
Management Published: " What? A girl topless? A Moroccan woman topless? In hair? You mean naked? Nude? It will not? And why not a woman shirtless touching ? "
the Artistic Direction: " well, just because you speak, we have a special box pat ... "
Etc, etc. etc.

* Zahm!

And that is how, for the first time in Morocco, was published a picture of a woman topless in a magazine.
And this is how the second premiere of the Moroccan press, I published a picture that was not a " drawing funny comics genre.

Well, and now faithful readers of my generation will have a look at the doctor, just to verify everything is Lalla Salma which advises. It is even on Facebook (it well because that's you).

Upon publication of the issue, everyone shook a little ass (except Janfi), the newspaper's management was sure we were going to be missed! The anxiety was at its height, and in fact it ... nothing happened.
limit was vexing, ultimately ...


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