Faithful reader,
faithful reader,
I am very happy and very proud to announce you the birth of C (h) ISTERS citizens, a collective blog in which I am invited to publish small itchy my political consciousness. This blog was created at the initiative of Lucie Chenu, who apparently suffers from the same symptoms, and to relieve himself invites us scratching on "Liberty - Equality - Fraternity". Who did we? Well, the " Choristes" writers, anthology (anthologues?), Graphic artists, illustrators, bloggers she has gathered around the idea.
For the moment, in my case, one can find a small BD - South Border - you've already discovered here some time ago. We can therefore consider that it is entirely recycled pixels, an act of citizenship, if any.
C (h) ISTERS Citizens is a group blog created by citizens of different backgrounds who Liberty, Equality, Fraternity is more than just words, values are to raise awareness and share around. Because some of us are writers (from SF, polar or elsewhere), designers, readers, and let's face it, very bloggers, our approach is that the blog will present news, comics, stories, videos, talking about brotherhood, equality, of freedom, and how they can live, now at the dawn of the XXI century e .
And now ... the kids but do not worry, we will not leave you like that, that's (wholesale) her to go with the part of the thumb Allumés (if it works not click , And then click again on "LEF".
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