Dry weather for Friday, March 4, 2011?
The pressure field is very high in France with a peak at 1040 hPa possible.
Thus, low cloud could be felt but quickly swept by the mountain anticyclone: where the sun already generous early in the day.
minimum temperatures varying between -2 ° C to 10 ° C and Mulhouse in Ajaccio through 2 ° C to Limoges, Toulouse 3 ° C, 6 ° C in Paris 7 ° C at La Rochelle and Alencon, and 9 ° C in Brest.
The slightest disturbance would be quickly swept away leaving a solar star in top shape!
Spring weather well begin with the same remarkable sweetness!
Maximum temperatures are generally mild compared to the normal season (tentative): it starts at 9 ° C in Alsace to go to Metz to 11 ° C, 14 ° C in Orleans, 15 ° C and 16 in Nantes C in Quimper (Finistère).
the South, 10 ° C to 16 ° C Grenoble and Bordeaux in passing by 11 ° C in Villeurbanne, 13 ° C to Lourdes and Marseille, Bastia 14 ° C and 15 ° C in Montpellier.
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